The Complete Void Wraith Saga Read online
The Complete Void Wraith Saga
Chris Fox
Chris Fox Writes, LLC
Copyright © 2016 Chris Fox
All rights reserved.
For the unsung editors of the world. You guys work harder than readers will ever know.
Previously On
1. Debris
2. You're in Charge
3. Hannan
4. Cat and Mouse
5. Egg Breath
6. Meet the Marines
7. Gone
8. Ambush
9. Ruins
10. Lena
11. Void Wraith
12. Report
13. Kathryn
14. Suspicious
15. Change Course
16. In System
17. Away Party
18. Company
19. Tigris
20. Dig In
21. Ancient
22. Hannan's Fight
23. Vi
24. Slug Fest
25. Escape
26. Fizgig
27. What Now?
28. Old Flame
29. Planatos
30. Library
31. The Admiralty
32. Confirmation
33. Blockade
34. Reveal
35. Eavesdropping
36. Licking Wounds
37. Reconciliation
38. Aha
39. Scout
40. Leak
41. Quantum Lite
42. Here, Kitty Kitty
43. Fizgig's Wrath
44. Surrender
45. Stand Down
46. Boarded
47. Stealth Ship
48. Strange Bedfellows
49. Machine Shop
50. Hold
51. CIC
52. Last Stand
53. Desperate Plan
54. Eva
55. Gauss
56. Harvester
57. Captain
58. Alpha Judicator
59. Larva
60. Fried
61. Tigris Bridge
62. Void Wraith Bridge
63. Allies
64. VI Removal
65. Engage
66. VI Replacement
67. More Allies
68. Primo Online
69. Down With the Ship
70. Promoted
71. Nolan
72. Countdown
73. The Core
74. Edwards
Void Wraith
1. 81 Days Later
2. The Eye
3. Home Again
4. Helios Gate
5. Coronas 6
6. Catching Up
7. Bock and Nolan
8. Arrange It
9. Annie
10. Tibs
11. Lena's Discovery
12. Biscuits
13. Dryker
14. Shipwarming Present
15. Mulholland Station
16. Kathryn
17. Run
18. Primo Conclave
19. Recovery
20. Blow Them Up
21. Think Like a Human
22. Connecting
23. Arrivals
24. Shuttle
25. Comparing Notes
26. Decisions
27. Feeding The Eye
28. What Now?
29. Running the Gauntlet
30. Claw
31. Stand and Fight
32. Crossing the Line
33. Derinia
34. Fooled You
35. Attacked
36. Boo
37. Refitted
38. Pride Leonis
39. Battle Lines
40. Saving a Culture
41. Alpha Duel
42. Didn't See That Coming
43. Hannan
44. Prideless
45. Bad News
46. Interrogation
47. Real Creepy Shit
48. The Forge
49. Into the Fray
50. Begin the Assault
51. Scan
52. The Plan
53. Orders
54. Career Suicide
55. Breaking the Accords
56. Assessment
57. Chu
58. Appeal to Reason
59. Pounce
60. Abject Lesson
61. Gotcha
62. Wrath of the Prideless
63. I Don't Think So
64. Dryker
65. Mow
66. The Bridge
67. The Challenge
68. Um, Eww
69. Chrysalis
70. Aftermath
71. Unexpected Complications
72. Meetings
1. A Thousand Degrees
2. The Core
3. Don't Mess With Fizgig
4. Boarding Party
5. Time's Up
6. Edwards
7. Reunited
8. Meetings
9. Reid
10. It's a Start
11. Jaguara
12. Carnifex
13. No
14. Come to Me
15. Hubris
16. The Torava System
17. Last Chance
18. Mission Impossible
19. Awaken
20. Too Easy
21. Witness
22. The Nest
23. The Shortest Chapter
24. Escape
25. Pursuit
26. Madam President
27. Gene Therapy
28. The Eye Sees
29. That's a Black Hole
30. To the Birthplace
31. Stowaway
32. The Birthplace
33. The Forge
34. Puzzling Anomaly
35. Thetah
36. Manda
37. Short But Scary
38. Battle for the Core
39. Surprise, Bitches
40. Consequences
41. Boom
42. Caught Napping
43. Didn't See That Coming
44. Hunger
45. That Ain't Right
46. We Need A Plan
47. A Cure
48. Cotton Mouth
49. Jaguara Rally
50. Never Let Down Your Guard
51. Preparing for Battle
52. The Trap is Set
53. Starve Them Out
54. The Eye Arrives
55. Begin the Assault
56. The Tigris
57. Retract the Iris
58. Khar
59. Retreat
60. Losing
61. The Forge
62. Run and Hide
63. Keep Eating
64. Release
65. Nolan's Run
66. Payback
67. Critters
68. Temporal Cannon
69. Weakness
70. Attack Run
71. Opening
72. Redemption
73. Microwaved
74. Free
Behind the Lines
1. Ganog 7
2. Planetfall
3. Warp Gate
4. Assault
5. Planetstrider
6. Invasion
7. Khar
8. Shot Down
9. Decisions
10. Krekon
11. Aluki
12. Grim Tidings
13. The Rust Settles
14. Recon
15. Marke
16. Reunited
17. Mounds
18. Burke
19. Signal
20. Demonstration
21. Go to Ground
22. On the Run
23. Warp
24. Frayed Nerves
25. The Resistance
26. Carnifex
27. Cores
28. A Plan
29. Allies
30. Theta Cannons
31. Are You Serious?
32. He Knows
33. Interrupted
34. Think Like the Captain
35. Duel
36. It's Over
37. Surprise
38. The Fate of Edwards
39. Deploy the Fleet
40. The Saurians
41. Convince Them
42. Move Out
43. In System
44. What Do They Feed That Thing?
45. Engage
46. Get Them
47. Dance
48. Knock, Knock
49. Pew, Pew
50. Knee
51. It's Moving
52. Down the Hatch
53. Out of Time
54. Make a Hole
55. Complications
56. Hell, Yes
57. Brawl
58. Die Well
59. We've Got Warp
60. Holy Crap
61. Opportunity
62. Spite
63. Overwhelmed
64. Endings
Hold the Line
1. Go to Ground
2. Fool's Errand
3. Locals
4. On the Run
5. Scouting
6. Grotto
7. Arena
8. Fight
9. Tourney
10. Elite
11. Ro'kan
12. Quarters
13. Knife's Edge
14. The Price
15. Nameless Ones
16. Put 'Em Down
17. Last Stand
18. Ambushed
19. Interrogation
20. Master
21. Outmaneuvered
22. Empress
23. Sparring
24. Sissus
25. Knock, Knock
26. Fragments
27. Watch
28. Mobilization
29. Preparation
30. Imperalis
31. The Time is Now
32. Decision
33. Rumors
34. Ready for War
35. Feint
36. Ground War
37. The Beacon
38. Void Wraith
39. Haak
40. Not Amused
41. Great Day
42. Yippee Ki Yay
43. Audacity
44. Trust
45. After Them
46. The Price
47. Warp
48. End This
49. Pact
Press the Line
1. Nyar Prime
2. Warp Anchor
3. Explain
4. The Summit
5. Fleet Leader
6. Rebuffed
7. Kokar
8. Grak
9. Workable
10. Nowhere Is Safe
11. The Mission Is Yours
12. Azatok
13. To Me
14. Clanless
15. Nyar Will Fall
16. A Fool I've Been
17. Don't Do This
18. Halut
19. Sanitation Ducts
20. Life Debt
21. Reunited
22. Spit in Death's Eye
23. Defiant
24. Called to Account
25. No Legend
26. Extraction
27. Fall Back
28. The First Arcanotome
29. Inside the Tome
30. More Guards
31. Bruth
32. Longshot
33. We Have the Technology
34. Repairs
35. Nyar
36. Catch Our Breath
37. The Void Wraith
38. No
39. Into the Spire
40. Yeah, Still No
41. Nameless One
42. I'll Get Right on That Miracle
43. Get Their Attention
44. Everyone Is Online
45. Upper Spire
46. Assault the Beacon
47. No, You Are Not
48. Sacrifice
49. Boom
50. Azatok
51. Respect the Tigris
52. Not Good
53. Online
54. T'kon's Decision
55. Dire Consequences
56. Speech
57. Transform
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